You can choose between phone or email authentication for your two-factor authentication. With phone authentication, Juniper Square sends a special code either by SMS …
Timely submission is important. If you are receiving distributions, please submit your completed assignment of interest forms by the 10th of the month. This …
You need to complete the assignment of interest form for the applicable fund(s) and a W-9 form. The forms will be provided and completed …
All required documents must be submitted before we can provide the assignment of interest forms. If the assignee is a new account, you may …
Investors seeking to assign their interest must ensure that their new entity is set up and all formation documents are completed. For example, if …
The timing depends on the specific fund, as each one may have a different distribution schedule. To ensure your updated election is used, please …
Please contact us at, and we will send you a DRIP election form to update your election. This process will be completed via …
You can view your reinvestment election by navigating to Investments in the portal. Select the applicable fund, then go to the Overview section, where …
Only account administrators have access to view full payment instructions in the portal. Please contact your account administrator to request access if needed.
The timing depends on the specific fund, as the distribution schedule may vary. To ensure your updated payment instructions are used, please submit changes …
If you continue to experience issues or have any questions, please contact us at for further assistance.
To reset your password, follow these steps: If you do not receive the reset email, try the following: Resend reset email: If you haven’t received …
If you are unable to see your documents in the portal, your viewing permissions may need to be adjusted. Please contact for assistance.
The NAV cannot be reflected until the sidecar is fully funded. Once the sidecar is funded, your NAV will be updated in the portal …
If the fund has a monthly share price, your account value will automatically update in the portal each month based on the unit price …
Your account value is determined based on the type of funds you are invested in, either by NAV (net asset value) or unit price. …
As soon as a distribution is being processed, we will send you an email notifying you of the incoming funds to your account. If …
When you fill out your subscription to the fund, you will be prompted to provide your bank account information. If you need to change …
You can view all of your distributions in the Investor Portal. From here, you can view all previous distributions and download an Excel file …
For investments in funds that offer monthly distributions, your first payment is typically issued after a specific period following your trade or investment date. …
Fund update webinars are held quarterly and cover current performance, property updates, followed by a Q&A session. Fund investors will automatically receive a recording …