What forms do I have to complete?


You need to complete the assignment of interest form for the applicable fund(s) and a W-9 form. The forms will be provided and completed …

What documents do you need from me?


All required documents must be submitted before we can provide the assignment of interest forms. If the assignee is a new account, you may …

How do I change my reinvestment election?


Please contact us at investorservices@origininvestments.com, and we will send you a DRIP election form to update your election. This process will be completed via …

How can I reset my password?


To reset your password, follow these steps: If you do not receive the reset email, try the following: Resend reset email: If you haven’t received …

Why can’t I see my documents in the portal?


If you are unable to see your documents in the portal, your viewing permissions may need to be adjusted. Please contact investorservices@origininvestments.com for assistance.

Where will my distributions be sent?


When you fill out your subscription to the fund, you will be prompted to provide your bank account information. If you need to change …

When will I receive my first distribution?


For investments in funds that offer monthly distributions, your first payment is typically issued after a specific period following your trade or investment date. …