Preferred equity and mezzanine debt investments function differently than typical equity ownership of a property. Preferred equity and mezzanine debt investments are typically less …
The Freddie Mac K-Deal market has several material barriers to entry, many created by Freddie Mac to ensure that only the best buyers are …
Freddie Mac was chartered by Congress in 1970 to support the U.S. housing finance system and to help ensure a reliable and affordable supply of mortgage funds …
Real estate debt securities are marketable and liquid pools of mortgage loans that are packaged, or securitized, by banks and financial institutions that made …
The Fund’s investment strategy and open-end structure allow flexibility across several product types. The Fund is designed to deliver risk-adjusted returns and income in …
The Fund has no target equity limit but only acquires new investments that meet the Fund’s risk and return objectives. Origin Credit Advisers intends …
To help maximize investor returns, the Fund intends to use a prudent and conservative amount of leverage to acquire investments. The Fund’s target leverage …
The Strategic Credit Fund is open-ended and evergreen, meaning it is open to investors and makes new investments in perpetuity. The Fund intends to …
Fund fees and expenses consist of the following:
Yes. Investors can contribute additional investments to the Fund at any time by contacting their Origin relationship manager. The minimum add-on contribution is $10,000.
After completing a subscription agreement and making a formal investment commitment, investors will enter the queue or have their capital called. There is a …
Investors will receive distributions every month.
The Fund is available for investment from qualified purchasers, including individuals and institutional buyers. A qualified purchaser is an individual or a family-owned business …
Unlike most traditional private credit funds available to high-net-worth investors, more than 90% of the Strategic Credit Fund’s investments are backed or collateralized by …
The Fund’s investment strategy and open-ended structure allow flexibility across several product types. They are designed to provide risk-adjusted returns and income in any …
The Strategic Credit Fund is the successor to the Multifamily Credit Fund, which closed in January 2023. The Strategic Credit Fund was launched to …
The Strategic Credit Fund is a portfolio of yield-focused multifamily debt investments for qualified purchasers. This open-end, evergreen Fund aims to provide investors with …
The IncomePlus Fund and associated net asset value will be audited by a third-party accounting firm in the beginning of each calendar year. The …
We are compensated based on the performance of the Fund. On an annual basis, we are entitled to receive a percentage of net increase …
The administrative fee is drawn directly from your capital account. All other fees are Fund-level fees and reflected in the net asset value of …
With the Origin Incentive Referral program, if you invest in the Origin IncomePlus Fund or QOZ Fund and refer another investor, we will consider …
Any incremental contributions you make subsequent to your initial investment will be subject to the administrative fee schedule, and if you cross the threshold …