Why is there an administrative fee?


The administrative fee is used to pay our investor relations, marketing and technology costs associated with onboarding new investors. The administrative fee is 1.5%. …

How can my shares be redeemed?


Investors who wish to have their units repurchased may notify their Origin investment contact in accordance with the written notice of the tender offer.

Does the Fund offer liquidity?


The IncomePlus Fund intends to make quarterly tender offers to investors that elect to sell their investment back to the Fund at the investment’s …

What tax forms will I receive?


Your distributions from the Fund are reported on IRS form 1099. Our 1099s are issued by end of January of each year.

What is the DRIP unit price?


The unit price is the determined valuation in the month prior to the applicable record date. If you opt in for the DRIP, you …

Can I re-invest my distributions?


You can receive your distribution in cash and we will send it straight to your bank account, or you can take advantage of compounding …