The up-front administrative fee is charged when we collect your capital commitment.
The administrative fee is used to pay our investor relations, marketing and technology costs associated with onboarding new investors. The administrative fee is 1.5%. …
The acquisition fee only applies to the acquisition of real property. In terms of debt investments, we are entitled to 50% of any origination …
An acquisition fee of 0.50% is paid to us at the time a deal is acquired by the Fund. For example, if an asset …
The net asset value of the IncomePlus Fund is calculated by the asset management team as of the last day of each calendar month …
The Fund intends to limit the amount of each tender offer to 5% of the Fund’s net asset value, determined as of the end …
You may not tender any units for a period of 12 months after such units were purchased. Units held for less than five years …
Investors who wish to have their units repurchased may notify their Origin investment contact in accordance with the written notice of the tender offer.
The IncomePlus Fund intends to make quarterly tender offers to investors that elect to sell their investment back to the Fund at the investment’s …
The Fund’s preferred equity investments are structured as interests in entities that own real estate investments, either directly or indirectly. The Fund’s interests are …
The Fund targets a 60% to 70% loan-to-value ratio for multifamily equity investments in the Fund. The current loan-to-cost is 57%.
The IncomePlus Fund will target sole ownership of the properties it acquires. However, the Fund may also enter into joint ventures or other co-investment …
Preferred equity and mezzanine debt investments function differently than typical equity ownership of a property. They tend to be less risky than equity investments, …
You will receive your 1099 for the preceding year by the end of January.
Your distributions from the Fund are reported on IRS form 1099. Our 1099s are issued by end of January of each year.
Dividends from a REIT are excluded from UBTI. However, to the extent the Fund invests in an asset outside of the REIT subsidiary, you …
Yes. Investors in the Fund for more than one year generally are eligible for a long-term capital gains tax rate on the capital gains …
Since the Fund’s distributions all originate at the REIT subsidiary, investors are subject to a special deduction that allows you to deduct up to …
Are my distributions taxed at the ordinary income rate? Do I receive the benefit of depreciation?
The Fund elects to be taxed as a real estate investment trust (REIT) to avoid corporate-level taxes, provided it distributes at least 95% of …
The Fund’s goal is to maintain a regular annual distribution yield of 5% to 7% based on the net asset value (NAV) of your …
The unit price is the determined valuation in the month prior to the applicable record date. If you opt in for the DRIP, you …
Yes. You can opt in or out of the distribution reinvestment plan at any time by emailing your Origin investment contact.
You can receive your distribution in cash and we will send it straight to your bank account, or you can take advantage of compounding …
Distributions are paid monthly to IncomePlus Fund members who are owners of record on the payment date. The distribution is typically made 30 days …