Investor Portal

Assignment of Interest

An assignment of interest is the transfer of ownership rights from one party (the assignor) to another (the assignee). This article outlines the steps to transfer your ownership to an assignee. As each situation is unique, we recommend consulting your tax advisor before assigning your interest to understand potential tax implications.

How do I assign my interest to a new account?

Investors seeking to assign their interest must ensure that their new entity is set up and all formation documents are completed. For example, if the assignee is a trust that has not been established, we will be unable to initiate the process for this assignment. When you have the applicable documents, please contact Investor Services at

What documents do you need from me?

All required documents must be submitted before we can provide the assignment of interest forms. If the assignee is a new account, you may be required to submit an accreditation letter along with a copy of an ID for any new beneficial owners.

What forms do I have to complete?

You need to complete the assignment of interest form for the applicable fund(s) and a W-9 form. The forms will be provided and completed through DocuSign.

When will I need to complete the assignment of interest forms?

Timely submission is important. If you are receiving distributions, please submit your completed assignment of interest forms by the 10th of the month. This will allow us to set up your new account and process your assignment of interest. Forms submitted after this date may not be processed until the following month.
