Our Offerings

IncomePlus Fund

Fund Basics

What is the Origin IncomePlus Fund?

Origin IncomePlus Fund LLC is a continuously offered real estate fund that invests in income-producing real estate and real estate-related securities. The Fund aims to generate current income while also seeking long-term appreciation and tax efficiency.

What is the objective of the IncomePlus Fund?

What is the Fund structure and how does it work?

Origin IncomePlus Fund is structured as a continuously offered Delaware limited liability company that operates much like a private REIT designed to generate current income from real estate while also pursuing long‐term appreciation and tax efficiency.

The Fund has elected to be taxed as a real estate investment trust for U.S. federal income tax purposes (a “REIT”). In general, a REIT:

  • Directly or indirectly combines the capital of many investors to acquire or provide financing for real estate assets;
  • Owns investments in real estate and real estate-related assets in a professionally managed portfolio;
  • satisfies the various requirements of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), including a requirement to distribute to stockholders at least 90% of its REIT taxable income each year; and
  • is generally not subject to U.S. federal corporate income taxes on its net taxable income that it currently distributes to its stockholders.

At its core, the Fund is managed by a Board of Directors responsible for day‑to‑day operations. The Board delegates all investment management decisions to OIG‑Investco, LLC—the Investment Manager—which is a wholly‑owned subsidiary of Origin Investments Group, LLC (the sponsor). This setup provides investors with a direct offering, bypassing the traditional broker‑mediated private REIT model, and helps reduce distribution costs.

The Fund offers three classes of Units—Class INV, Class T, and Class F—with minimum investments of $100,000 for Class INV and $50,000 for the other two. These Unit classes differ mainly in fee structures and commission arrangements; for instance, Class T Units, which are marketed through intermediaries, incur an upfront and trailing commission that eventually converts them into Class INV Units once the commission is fully paid.

Investments are made into a diversified portfolio of income‑producing real estate and real-estate-related assets. The primary focus is on acquiring multifamily properties in high‑growth markets, complemented by investments in public and private real estate securities and commercial real estate debt. The Fund employs moderate leverage—targeting about 65% of its gross real estate assets—to enhance income generation while managing risk through proprietary risk pricing models and disciplined underwriting processes.

A unique element of the Fund’s structure is its use of an Operating Partnership (Origin IncomePlus Operating Company, LLC) to hold the underlying assets. This arrangement facilitates a 1031/721 Exchange Program that enables investors to contribute appreciated real estate in exchange for partnership interests—allowing them to defer capital gains taxes under specific IRS provisions. Investors participating in this exchange receive Class INV Units at the partnership level, although these units are not convertible into those offered directly by the Fund.

Capital is raised on an ongoing basis through periodic closings. Investors subscribe by submitting a Subscription Agreement and become Members upon the Board’s acceptance. Their committed capital is called as needed, ensuring that investors only pay fees on funds actually deployed in investments. Although the Fund is designed for long‑term holding (as an evergreen vehicle with no set termination date), it does provide limited liquidity through quarterly tender offers that may repurchase up to 5% of the Fund’s Transaction NAV per quarter, subject to certain restrictions to preserve its REIT status

What does it mean that the Fund is evergreen?

An evergreen structure means the Fund has no expiration date. New investors are accepted each month. Capital is called upon signing a subscription agreement, with a trade date of the first of the following month in which the investment is made.

What is the strategy of the IncomePlus Fund?

The IncomePlus Fund utilizes a multistrategy approach. The Fund’s strategy is to build, buy and finance multifamily properties in our target markets. This approach enables the Fund to perform in all market cycles by strategically managing the portfolio allocation to seek the best risk-adjusted returns in a given environment. The Fund has three sleeves: debt investments, core-plus multifamily and built-to-core multifamily. Tactical allocation of these sleeves depends upon external factors such as interest rates. For example, in a high-interest-rate environment, we will overweight the portfolio to preferred equity, which will provide stable cash flow for investors while we wait for development costs to decline.

What is the Fund size? How are Fund assets selected?

Fund Details

What types of real estate does the IncomePlus Fund invest in?

What is the investment minimum?  


Who can invest in the Fund?

Accredited investors can invest in the Fund. This is a threshold set by the federal government. To be an accredited investor, you must meet one of the following criteria:

  • Have an individual net worth, or joint net worth with your spouse, that exceeds $1 million (excluding the value of your primary residence).
  • Have individual income exceeding $200,000 in each of the past two years and expect to reach the same this year.
  • Have combined income with your spouse exceeding $300,000 in each of the past two years and expect to reach the same this year.
  • Invest on behalf of a business or investment company with more than $5 million in assets and/or all of the equity owners are accredited.

How do I invest in the Fund?

You can contact your dedicated Origin invest relations associate via email or phone. If you don’t know your dedicated investor relations associate, you can log in to your Origin account and select “Contact,” then “Investor Relations.” Your representative will walk you through the investment process. We will provide an electronic subscription agreement and a form to verify your accreditation status. We may also need certain additional documents if you plan to invest through a trust, self-directed IRA, an LLC, corporation or other related entity.

How does the accreditation verification process work?

You must qualify as an accredited investor under Rule 501(a) of Regulation D of the Code of Federal Regulations to purchase units of the Fund. You can verify your accredited investor status by forwarding Origin’s certification form to a licensed attorney, CPA or financial advisor who is privy to your financial status as an accredited investor.

The licensed individual must complete the form on your behalf. You can also utilize a third-party service provider, such as VerifyInvestor, to verify your accreditation status. The accreditation form must be completed for the entity the investor invests in. For example, if your name is John Smith, the accreditation form must refer to you as “John Smith.” If you invest through an LLC called “John Smith Investments LLC,” the accreditation form must state “John Smith Investments LLC.”

Can I invest in the IncomePlus Fund through my solo 401(k), self-directed IRA or other retirement account?

You can invest in the IncomePlus Fund as an individual, jointly with your spouse or other related person, through several types of retirement accounts, or through an LLC, corporation, trust and many other types of entities. There’s no penalty for how you choose to invest in the Fund, as long as you coordinate with your custodian appropriately.

Distribution and Returns

What is the Fund’s target return?

The Fund intends to provide investors with monthly net distributions representing an amount equivalent to an annual rate in the range of 5% to 7% and endeavors to produce an annualized total net return of paid and accrued distributions, plus changes in net asset valuation (NAV), in the range of 9% to 11%. The Fund targets a 3-4% annual appreciation.

Where do my distributions come from?

Our goal is to fund the payment of distributions through cash flow from operations, However, we may fund any distributions from other sources including, without limitation, the sale of assets, borrowings, return of capital or sales of units, and we have no limits on the amounts we may pay from such sources. The extent to which we pay distributions from sources other than cash flow from operations depends on various factors, including the level of participation in our distribution reinvestment plan, the extent to which the investment manager elects to receive its management fee, how quickly we invest the proceeds from this and any future offering and the performance of our investments, including our real estate-related securities portfolio.

When can I expect to receive my distributions?

Distributions are paid monthly to IncomePlus Fund members who are owners of record on the payment date. The distribution is typically made 30 days after the record date. It’s important to note that you must be invested for the entire month to receive the distribution. For example, if you fund your capital call on July 15, you will be assigned a trade date of Aug. 1. Although you funded your commitment in July, your trade date of Aug. 1 and record date of Aug. 31 means you will not receive a distribution until the end of September. As such, you will have a payment date of Sept. 30.

Are IncomePlus Fund distributions guaranteed?

No. Distributions depend on portfolio performance, market conditions and REIT compliance.

Can I re-invest my distributions?

You can receive your distribution in cash and we will send it straight to your bank account, or you can take advantage of compounding returns through our distribution reinvestment plan (DRIP). Distributions will be automatically reinvested if you opt into the DRIP when completing your subscription agreement. The DRIP allows you to use the distribution proceeds to automatically acquire new units each quarter. There are no fees associated with the DRIP program.

What is the Distribution Reinvestment Plan (DRIP) and why is it important?

The IncomePlus Fund’s distribution reinvestment plan means that you can automatically elect to reinvest your monthly distributions rather than taking them in cash. If you opt into the DRIP you will see your total units increase each quarter as a result. The distributions that are reinvested will be used by the Fund to improve existing properties or will be invested in new properties.

Can I adjust my election to the DRIP in the future?

Yes. You can opt in or out of the distribution reinvestment plan at any time by emailing your Origin investment contact.

What is the DRIP unit price?

The unit price is the determined valuation in the month prior to the applicable record date. If you opt in for the DRIP, you can expect to have your distribution reinvested on a monthly basis at the unit price established in the month preceding the record date. For example, a record date of Aug. 31 means you will receive the corresponding payment on Sept. 30, at the unit price established at the end of July.

Will the target distribution stay consistent based on my original investment or does it change based on the NAV of my investment at any given time?

The Fund’s goal is to maintain a regular annual distribution yield of 5% to 7% based on the net asset value (NAV) of your account. While the dividend is paid on a per-share basis (currently $0.06/share), the yield will ultimately fluctuate depending on the prevailing share price.

Tax Considerations

Are my distributions taxed at the ordinary income rate? Do I receive the benefit of depreciation?

The Fund elects to be taxed as a real estate investment trust (REIT) to avoid corporate-level taxes, provided it distributes at least 95% of taxable income to investors. The REIT structure offers the following benefits:

  • No corporate income tax if it meets REIT qualifications
  • Pass-through taxation of rental income to investors
  • Potential 20% deduction on qualified REIT dividends under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

The Fund invests through its REIT subsidiary, and distributions received from the REIT are treated as either ordinary income, return of capital or capital gains. Distributions, to the extent that they are from current or accumulated earnings and profits, generally are taxed as ordinary income. However, the depreciation available to the REIT subsidiary may reduce the amount of its taxable income and profit, and this reduction would enable the REIT subsidiary to make distributions that will be treated as a return of capital. Any portion of the distribution in excess of current and accumulated earnings and profits is considered a return of capital for U.S. federal income tax purposes and reduces the tax basis of the investment. Once your tax basis has been reduced to zero, any further distributions results in capital gains.

What is the 20% pass-through tax deduction?

Since the Fund’s distributions all originate at the REIT subsidiary, investors are subject to a special deduction that allows you to deduct up to 20% of your taxable distributions from the Fund on an annual basis. An investor in the highest tax bracket who is eligible for this deduction can effectively reduce the federal tax rate on this income from 37% to 29.6%. Unless extended, this benefit is set to expire on December 31, 2025. Below is an example:

Taxable Distribution Income: $100,000
20% Deduction$20,000
Taxable Income$80,000
Taxes Before the 20% Pass-Through Deduction$37,000$100,000*37%
Tax Rate37%
Taxes After 20% Pass-Through Deduction$29,600$80,000*37%
Effective Tax Rate29.6%

Do I receive long-term capital gains?

Yes. Investors in the Fund for more than one year generally are eligible for a long-term capital gains tax rate on the capital gains achieved by the Fund.

Will the Fund generate unrelated business taxable income (UBTI)?

What tax forms will I receive?

Your distributions from the Fund are reported on IRS form 1099. Our 1099s are issued by end of January of each year.

When can I expect to receive my annual tax forms?

You will receive your 1099 for the preceding year by the end of January.

What is the IncomePlus Fund's 1031/721 exchange program?

Additionally, Origin may offer sidecar opportunities to investors that can be 721 exchanged into the Fund once stabilized.

Fund Operations

What is the trade date?

The IncomePlus Fund’s trade date occurs on the first day of each month. The trade date is the date when you officially become a member of the Fund from an accounting standpoint. This is the date you will begin to pay fees and accrue a preferred return and dividend. For example, if you fund your investment on July 15, you will be assigned a trade date of Aug. 1. Between the time of the investment date and the trade date, you will not pay any fees and won’t accrue a dividend.

What is the record date?

The record date is the last day of the month and establishes when you are eligible to receive a distribution. Investors who are official members as of the record date (“owners of record”) will receive a distribution on the payment date, which is 30 days after the record date. You become an official member when your subscription agreement is signed and your capital has been funded. Simply committing to the Fund does not make you an official member and you will not be assigned a trade date, investment date, record date or unit price.

What is the unit price and how is it determined?

The IncomePlus Fund’s unit price is the price per each share in the Fund. Each share represents a unit of ownership in the Fund’s properties. The unit price is determined by the fair market value of the underlying Fund assets and is updated monthly. Your unit price is determined based on the month that precedes your investment date. For example, if your capital is called on July 15, you will acquire units at the price established on June 30, which would be finalized around the third week of July. You will know the price of your units and the number of units no later than the trade date. On an ongoing basis, the unit price is the determined valuation in the month prior to the applicable record date.

View the Fund’s valuation policy for additional details.

How is the net asset value of my investment determined?

The net asset value of the IncomePlus Fund is calculated by the asset management team as of the last day of each calendar month and finalized two to three weeks thereafter. The valuation of your account is determined by your respective unit holdings. Net asset value is calculated by utilizing best practice valuation methods to value the Fund’s assets, including real estate, credit related investments, cash and other assets that may be owned by the Fund.

How often is my investment in the IncomePlus Fund revalued?

The IncomePlus Fund and associated net asset value will be audited by a third-party accounting firm in the beginning of each calendar year. The Fund is valued by Fund managers every month.

After I execute my subscription agreement, when will you call my funds?

Immediately upon countersignature, the commitment will be called in full. You will have 3-4 business days to fund once the capital call is issued. The date your money is received for a capital call marks your official investment date.

Will my commitment be invested at one time or will it be drawn down on a periodic basis?

After you complete the subscription process, you will fund 100% of your commitment at once.

Can I add to my initial investment later?

Yes. You can increase your commitment to the IncomePlus Fund at any time by contacting your dedicated investment contact. The minimum amount required to increase your commitment to the Fund is $10,000.

How often will I receive IncomePlus Fund performance updates?

  • You will receive monthly emails on Fund performance that will include benchmark comparisons, updates to the unit price, NAV, distribution yield and brief analysis.
  • Comprehensive quarterly reports will be sent to you. The first report of the year will be based on a full Fund audit by a third-party firm.
  • You can expect an annual audited financial statement.
  • Origin will host four to six Fund webinars per year.
  • Online updates and relevant thought leadership pieces will be posted to both the IncomePlus Fund page and the Education Center.

Fund Strategy

Why are preferred equity and mezzanine debt investments part of the Fund’s strategy?

Preferred equity and mezzanine debt investments function differently than typical equity ownership of a property. They tend to be less risky than equity investments, and they come with regular interest payments from the borrower.

Will the IncomePlus Fund acquire assets solely or in joint ventures?

The IncomePlus Fund will target sole ownership of the properties it acquires. However, the Fund may also enter into joint ventures or other co-investment opportunities with third parties for the acquisition and management of properties. Joint ventures and co-investments may allow the Fund to access unique resources and expertise of partners, gain access to projects and assets that it would not otherwise have, acquire assets at prices lower than they would transact in a marketed process, and share the risk of an investment with such partners. In situations in which the Fund enters into a joint venture, we will conduct an extensive analysis of each prospective partner’s management organization, performance in prior or existing transactions, and its current and past borrowing relationships. The Fund will retain substantive management and control rights in any joint venture vehicle.

What is the target loan-to-value ratio for multifamily investments?

The Fund targets a 60% to 70% loan-to-value ratio for multifamily equity investments in the Fund. The current loan-to-cost is 57%.

What controls does the Fund have on a preferred equity investment?

The Fund’s preferred equity investments are structured as interests in entities that own real estate investments, either directly or indirectly. The Fund’s interests are senior with respect to distributions, redemption rights and liquidation rights compared to the entities’ common equity. In the event of a default, a change-of-control event occurs, allowing the Fund to assume control of the property-owning entity. Consequently, the common equity owners lose their operational input rights and become passive investors.

Fees & Performance Allocation

What is an acquisition fee and how is it charged?

An acquisition fee of 0.50% is paid to us at the time a deal is acquired by the Fund. For example, if an asset were acquired for $40 million, we would earn an acquisition fee of $200,000. This fee is paid by the Fund and is used to cover costs and expenses incurred by us in pursuit of Fund properties. Note, this is not 50 basis points of investors’ equity, but rather 50 basis points in the gross purchase price, pro-rated over 2,000 investors.

Does the acquisition fee apply to debt and debt-like investments that the Fund makes?

The acquisition fee only applies to the acquisition of real property. In terms of debt investments, we are entitled to 50% of any origination fee paid by the borrower on a loan and the Fund receives the other 50%. For example, if a loan of $10 million were made with a 1% upfront fee payable by the borrower, then we would receive $50,000 and the Fund would receive the other $50,000. The Fund will receive 100% of the interest payments from the loan.

Why is there an administrative fee?

The administrative fee is used to pay our investor relations, marketing and technology costs associated with onboarding new investors. The administrative fee is 1.5%. We show every fee upfront because we want you to know what you are paying and believe the value we provide far exceeds the cost. We don’t pay third-party marketers because we believe it’s important to have a direct line of communication with our investment partners, and it’s another example of how we keep fees to a minimum while also controlling the quality of the experience. Note that the administrative fee is taken off the front end of your investment. For example, if your investment is $100,000 with a 1.5% administrative fee, then the preferred return and dividend will be based on an investment value of $98,500.

When is the administrative fee charged?

The up-front administrative fee is charged when we collect your capital commitment.

How do the fees impact my unit price?

The administrative fee is drawn directly from your capital account. All other fees are Fund-level fees and reflected in the net asset value of the Fund’s units.

How does Origin’s performance allocation work? What does 50/50 catch-up mean?

We are compensated based on the performance of the Fund. On an annual basis, we are entitled to receive a percentage of net increase in the net asset value of Fund units, but only after the Fund investors have received a 6% return on their beginning net asset value for that year. The performance allocation is designed to provide us with 10% of the Fund’s increase in value, but only after delivering the 6% return to investors. Also, it is subject to a “high water mark.”

The “catch-up” provision is a means by which we recoup the 10% performance allocation that was forgone to ensure the 6% return is met. After the 6% return is made to investors, 50% of the Fund’s profits are allocated to us until we have received an amount that equals 10% of the total increase in net asset value for that year. Once our performance allocation is “caught up,” 90% of the increase in value is retained by the Fund for allocation to investors and 10% is allocated to us.

The “high water mark” assures that we only participate in net new incremental increases in the Fund’s net asset value. For example, if the Fund returns 10% in year one and -3% in year two, there is no catch up or performance allocation in year three until the Fund first returns 9% (6% annual return for the current year, plus the 3% shortfall from prior year) to investors.

Are my returns net of fees?

Yes, all returns are net of fees, so Investors will never have to “write a check” for fees, and all distributions made will already have fees taken out before the distribution.


Does the Fund offer liquidity?

The IncomePlus Fund intends to make quarterly tender offers to investors that elect to sell their investment back to the Fund at the investment’s net asset value through these offerings. The tender offers are subject to certain restrictions and limitations that are detailed in the IncomePlus Fund Private Placement Memorandum.

How can my shares be redeemed?

Investors who wish to have their units repurchased may notify their Origin investment contact in accordance with the written notice of the tender offer.

Is there a penalty for redeeming my shares?

You may not tender any units for a period of 12 months after such units were purchased. Units held for less than five years will be subject to a discount, ranging from 2.5% to 10%, depending on the amount of time such units were held.

What are the redemption period dates and deadlines?

The Fund intends to limit the amount of each tender offer to 5% of the Fund’s net asset value, determined as of the end of the calendar quarter prior to the tender date. Requests must be made within the first 45 days of each new quarter start, to be paid on the 15th day of the subsequent quarter start.
