About Origin

Who Can Invest

To invest in our Funds, certain eligibility requirements must be met. These qualifications are set by federal regulations to protect investors and ensure they meet financial thresholds appropriate for private investments. These standards help ensure that each investor is appropriately qualified for the risk level associated with each Fund.

Qualification Requirements

What are the qualification requirements for each offering?

OfferingQualification Requirement
IncomePlus FundAccredited investor
QOZ Fund IIIAccredited investor
Strategic Credit Fund*Qualified purchaser
Origin ExchangeAccredited investor
Individual dealsAccredited investor

Accredited Investor vs. Qualified Purchaser

What are the criteria for an accredited investor?

To be an accredited investor, you must meet one of the following criteria:

  • Have an individual net worth, or joint net worth with your spouse, that exceeds $1 million (excluding the value of your primary residence).
  • Have individual income exceeding $200,000 in each of the past two years and expect to reach the same this year.
  • Have combined income with your spouse exceeding $300,000 in each of the past two years and expect to reach the same this year.
  • Invest on behalf of a business or investment company with more than $5 million in assets, and/or all of the equity owners are accredited.

What are the criteria for a qualified purchaser?

A qualified purchaser is an individual or a family-owned business that owns $5 million or more in investments, not including a primary residence or any property used for business. 

Verification Process

How does the accreditation verification process work?

You must qualify as an accredited investor under Rule 501(a) of Regulation D of the Code of Federal Regulations to purchase units of the Fund. You can verify your accredited investor status by forwarding Origin’s certification form to a licensed attorney, CPA or financial advisor who is privy to your financial status as an accredited investor.

The licensed individual must complete the form on your behalf. You can also utilize a third-party service provider, such as VerifyInvestor, to verify your accreditation status. The accreditation form must be completed for the entity the investor invests in. For example, if your name is John Smith, the accreditation form must refer to you as “John Smith.” If you invest through an LLC called “John Smith Investments LLC,” the accreditation form must state “John Smith Investments LLC.”
